Five years ago, I felt God's tug at my heart... write Bible studies for children. That tug became an all-consuming fire and for four years I wrote individual Bible studies for children, teens and families as well as all of the children's curriculum for our church, including VBS. More truthfully, I should say "God wrote... I typed."
Four years ago, I put the individual Bible studies and some of the curriculum online in .pdf format and offered them to be used free of charge. When asked why, I would simply answer, "God freely gave them to me, who I am to charge for them?"
In February, I reformatted several studies for eBook and electronically published them, still offering them free of charge. To date, almost 700 copies have been downloaded! It blows my mind!!
I still have people say things like, "these have value, you should put a price on them to reflect the value of them." Honestly, I understand this line of reasoning. However, how do you put a price on God's Word?
I've had other people say, "I would pay you for this. Please let me give you something." And, my answer has been, "pay it forward."
Last night, my man had a brilliant idea... project Salud y Paz...
Salud y Paz is the organization that runs the clinic where Chad and Emme spent their time in Guatemala. Salud y Paz also sponsors other clinics and schools in Guatemala. This organization has become near and dear to our hearts.
So... today, I'm introducing Salud y Paz to you. If you feel as if you want to give toward any of the Bible studies that you've downloaded or read, please click on through to Salud y Paz and give to the health, healing and education of the people of Guatemala.
Thank you!!
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