Sunday, January 11, 2009

The LORD Is My Shepherd...Bible Study for 6-8 year olds

I'm not uploading these Bible studies in any particular order. I went ahead and uploaded this one next because its the only other Bible study that I have currently written for 6-8 year olds. Both The LORD Is My Shepherd and On Tablets of Human Hearts are written for parents to do side by side with their child.

This Bible study came from a challenge of a close friend to prioritize Scripture memory in our home. I wrote this in anticipation of someday doing this study with my youngest. At the time I wrote this, she was just 3 years old. Soon she will be ready and my prayer is that she and I will have a great time memorizing Psalm 23 together.

This is a 10 day Bible study.

The LORD is My Shepherd...Bible Study for 6-8 Year Olds


  1. What a wealth of knowledge, Heidi. I found this through another THL sister's post. I am so glad that I found this and you!!

    Be blessed and thank You!


  2. Thank you Heidi . . . again! You are such a blessing. I am thankful that you allow the Lord to use you in a way that blesses so many families. May the Lord bless and honor you for your steadfast obedience!

    Heather Mac
