Thursday, May 28, 2009

where to to begin....

This post comes on the heels of a message on The Homeschool Lounge from my lounge sister, Shawntele. Shawntele asked me "I want to do these Bible studies with my kids but I don't know where to start. Can you help me?"

I truly had no idea how to answer Shawntele. I am not a well-known Bible teacher. I am only a homeschool mom whose heart's desire is for young people to develop a love for God and for His Word. I have a mind full of thoughts and ideas and fingers that are sometimes not fast enough to keep up with the words racing thru my head. For two years, I simply had several Bible studies that sat on my shelf and I passed them out to friends' children. I had no idea what to do beyond writing. On a cold January weekend, God taught me how to create a blog, do online publishing, and how to post the studies on this blog so that others could view the studies. Because the words were freely given to me, I longed for an avenue to offer them freely to others. God answered my heart's desire through the internet.

Through this journey, I often feel like a little kid playing "pretend". Somedays I wish I had a manager to organize me and make fancy books and covers for these studies. Sometimes I wish I had an editor to edit the words and combine the studies into an appropriate outline. However, if I did, I couldn't offer them freely. So, in order to be able to offer them freely, I have to continually learn how to present these and how to market them. God teaches me so many different ways and today, He used Shawntele to help teach me yet another lesson...presentation.

Now that I've explained where I've come from and how far I have to go, I will answer Shawntele to the best of my ability....These studies have not been presented in any particular order because they were not written to be done in any particular order. Instead, please use these as a tool to teach your children God's Word. There are several different topics and age groups to chose from and if you look at the sidebar on the right you will see a "blog contents" box that will direct you by age group. There are studies meant for older children to do on their own as well as side-by-side studies for younger children. There are studies for families that include pages for little ones all the way to adults.

As I learn how to do this, hopefully I can learn how to create a blog that is easier to navigate and offer the studies in a better presentation. Until then, thanks for bearing with me!


  1. Heidi, thanks for all the hard work you have put into these studies and for sharing them with us! :)

  2. HI Shawntele! Thank you for asking the question!
    I have been desperately trying to get back to this blog since I first saw it. Never could remember how I found it.
    Now I have this blog bookmarked, following it in google reader AND including it in my blog roll on my blog! I will never loose site of this blog again! LOL

    Thank you Heidi for sharing your heart and your talents with all of us!!!
