Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Genesis study for adults...

My friend, Nikki, has graciously given me permission to post her Bible study on the book of Genesis. Nikki wrote this adult Bible study for her church and is offering it free to anyone who can use it. She's also giving us the teacher guide. If you are looking for a group Bible study, this would be an excellent choice!

I met Nikki almost 26 years ago and I'm blessed to call her friend. She has a love for God and a love for His Word that overflows in all areas of her life. While in high school, she often encouraged me in my own personal walk with the Lord. Nikki is the only person I have ever met who is never in a bad mood! Her smile and countenance are contagious and she always smiles!!

Thank you for sharing this with us, Nikki!!

Genesis Study

Gennis Study - Teacher's Edition

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this study with us. I am going to print it out and use it for myself and my son.

